Does Anyone Like the Animation in Thundercats Roar

Does Anyone Like the Animation in Thundercats Roar

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Last year Cartoon Network released a teaser announcing that they would be making a new reboot of the Thundercats IP, under the title of Thundercats Roar. As you lot would have expected, people on the internet lose their shit, challenge that the show would be a "boldness to the original series" and "ruin their childhoods". Fastforward to now, and the first two episodes of the show were finally released, and they are actually quite expert? The show is a humorous have on the Thundercats franchise, focusing a lot on visual gags and action scenes.
What i loved the almost about the show was the whole esthetic of everything: The simple designs of the characters gives the animators freedom to practise lots of silly faces and poses, the backgrounds are beautiful fatigued, the storyboard is actually creative, with lots of cool angles and poses and the coloring of the show is really vibrant and prissy to look at. While some of the jokes were hitting and miss, there were some actually good ones and i looking frontwards to next episodes.
But from what i saw on social media people are really negative with this testify. Then Era, what are your Thoughts virtually Thundercats Roar?
This aired? When is it on?
I recollect it withal looks bad. Can't stand up the new style of Western cartoons. Information technology's trying too difficult to ape Hazard Time.
Oh looks like they're in the app, TV not until next month.
I saw a clip and I thought it looked fun, I'd like to watch it only it's not bachelor in the U.k. I don't call up.


To Infinity and Across Alkali
I hope it does well at information technology 6 am on a th timeslot. Steven Universe and Teen Titans go demand 8 hours of air time or the network volition collapse
This aired? When is it on?
Information technology'due south on the CN app, they oasis't appear yet when it will air.
Teen Titans Go had the best DC motion-picture show in a long time and people still complaim it is bad

Ignore the haters

I promise it does well at it 6 am on a thursday timeslot. Steven Universe and Teen Titans go need 8 hours of air fourth dimension or the network will collapse
They take so footling organized religion in Roar that they only released on their app Lmao
The original Thundercats struck an amazing residuum between mystery, run a risk, danger, even horror. The atmosphere was very strong. Information technology felt mature without beingness free or edgy, and the characters felt well established.

Stand up out VAs, splendid music, stiff design and good animation, memorable heroes and villains, forth with one of the coolest themes ever made.

This new evidence might be good, but it's and so far removed from what I loved about this show I can't care.

I think at least we tin can all concord that the ending credits is good right?
It looks like trash and I'grand non watching information technology. That doesn't mean it IS trash, simply information technology doesn't appeal to me. Most cartoons don't these days, and they haven't for like a decade almost. That's fine. I'm 32 now, and when the art fashion of nearly cartoons stopped appealing to me around 2012 or and so when Cartoon Network killed all their activeness series and made a agglomeration of stuff that looked like Adventure Time. Peradventure I've outgrown cartoons. Maybe information technology's but a trend and 1 day we'll go back to stuff with visuals I actually like. (Duck Tales looks neat, and so it'southward not as if I hate ALL cartoons these days.) Who knows? If the kids relish this, and so good for them--this can exist their Thundercats for their generation.
The music is the but redeeming affair about the show.
I gave information technology a shot. Actually? That was adept? It merely took the piss out of the original in an art style that made me want to claw my eyes out. Using the original music was nice, simply that's literally the only positive thing I can say about it.
I mean I wouldn't call it skilful simply it's not what I expected, it's pretty much ThunderCats: The Abridged Series. Why are weebs beingness so obnoxious near this online though? You go into the replies for any of the animators and y'all get zero merely anime avatars and hazbin hotel reaction images.
I think at least we can all concord that the ending credits is adept right?
this is something I would take rushed to hate equally a kid, and I loved watching Maya the Bee.
I recall information technology notwithstanding looks bad. Can't stand the new style of Western cartoons. It'due south trying too hard to ape Adventure Time.

This is how I experience besides. The AT aesthetic feels homogeneous in some means on CN.
I hope it does well at it vi am on a thursday timeslot. Steven Universe and Teen Titans go need 8 hours of air time or the network volition collapse
SU only gets like an hour a week, viii times a year.
I'thou non into the look of this at all, it's just not for me.
Saberspark dropped his opinion on the show so far just a few hours back.
In brief he's Meh on it, needs to run across more of the flavor to get a general opinion, just doesn't thank information technology's deserving of the backlash it's been getting.

It also feels like CN sorta gave up on the testify and dumped it out because even the animators of the show were surprised that it's out. That'due south a shame for them.

Watched information technology, information technology'south like MaoMao but nowhere near every bit funny or compelling. Just kinda there.
I gave information technology a shot, didn't want to be one of the haters. It's...non good. Animation bated, the writing is pretty bottomless, fifty-fifty for a kids' prove. I actually dislike the character designs, the actual blitheness is terribly tweeny-looking, the composition of the shots is boring. Bleh.

Watched the outset episode of "The Owl House" correct afterward and was blown away by how expert it was. Definitely gonna keep watching that.

Every bit an aside, Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a swell case of a reboot with a radically different style that all the same looks *gorgeous*. Some of the best-animated fight scenes in Western cartoons.

The soapbox that'southward going on Twitter and Social Media every bit a whole is an accented mess and people are intentionally seeking out production staff members and users who savour information technology and harassing/threatening them. Some people have locked their twitter business relationship, with at to the lowest degree one person leaving Twitter all together (believe both cases were production staff members).

When it was originally announced, I did have a little bit of a knee-jerk reaction because of what happened to the prior show, only I'one thousand open up minded to this (and however need to watch it, which information technology'south honestly really well blithe and has a lot of energy from clips I saw of it). That said, I think people need to acquire it'south okay to not similar something, but you can't just seek users out and harass them for enjoying it (besides every bit attacking members who worked on the show). It's an absolute mess.

I don't get why people recall this is admittedly okay to practice so.

I watched the first (full) episode and it's fine. Non astonishing, just has some highlights. This isn't i of those shows that's kind of still for adults, it's straightly aimed at kids then don't go in looking for that. If you're looking for an action cartoon, this own't it either. Definitely a one-act focus.
Tried watching for a bit--the jokes and writing did nothing for me, will be skipping this one; so over again I haven't been the demographic for this franchise for awhile now, so whatever, new fans savour I guess.
The animation is however hideous.
Only watched information technology and well, uh... in terms of writing at least it's pretty much trash.

There's no actual humor. Or label. Or story. It'south just a procession of "here's another dumb one-time cartoon grapheme. They have a stupid pattern and stupid name. Watch them say dumb things to show how awful the entire idea of the Thundercats is."

The animation is fine for what it is. There'due south a couple of expert jokes. By and large just dull.

I watched the first (total) episode and it'south fine. Not astonishing, only has some highlights. This isn't one of those shows that's kind of still for adults, it's straightly aimed at kids and so don't go in looking for that. If you're looking for an action drawing, this ain't it either. Definitely a comedy focus.

I'm going to call balderdash on the aimed at kids thing since you pretty much need to have seen the original series to have any context for a huge clamper of the jokes. Not to mention the fact that they straight up reused a bunch of the original soundtrack.
I'm going to call bull on the aimed at kids thing since y'all pretty much need to take seen the original series to have any context for a huge clamper of the jokes. Not to mention the fact that they straight upward reused a agglomeration of the original soundtrack.
I recall people conflate these blazon of in jokes and call backs etc with trying to aim appeal at old fans when really they're there because the creators of the testify are erstwhile fans. Well, a combination of that and throwing in a little something for former fans who watch these with their kids.
The controversies? Why don't people like it? Is it because of the art style?
I watched the first (full) episode and it's fine. Not astonishing, but has some highlights. This isn't one of those shows that's kind of still for adults, it's straightly aimed at kids so don't go in looking for that. If y'all're looking for an activity cartoon, this own't it either. Definitely a one-act focus.
Very baroque tact to take a fairly minor property that only survives in the public consciousness as nostalgia-allurement for people in their 30s and not give them a unmarried thing to grab onto to want to lookout it with their kids, let solitary solo.
The controversies? Why don't people like it? Is it because of the art style?
Patently the art style was a huge turn-off considering it is A) a drastic tonal redesign and b) highly derivative of the artful trend in current kids cartoons

I'll add together the observation that it'due south too non very "toyetic" meaning the designs don't lend themselves well to activeness figures which is kind of ironic since selling toys was the sole purpose of the original show (and the other cynical shows of its ilk at the time in the 80s).

Simply then I estimate it turns out the writing is bad equally well, it's aimed 100% at kids with no layers for adults like Adventure Time and Steven Universe have and the animation isn't fifty-fifty that interesting, regardless of the visual style.

I mean I wouldn't call information technology expert but it's not what I expected, information technology's pretty much ThunderCats: The Abridged Serial. Why are weebs being then obnoxious near this online though? You go into the replies for any of the animators and you get nothing but anime avatars and hazbin hotel reaction images.
Side notation: Hazbin Hotel fucking sucks so I'm non surprised its fans suck as well
Final edited:
I think it nonetheless looks bad. Can't stand the new style of Western cartoons. It'south trying too hard to ape Adventure Time.
It was cute at outset since there were other cartoons doing their own affair but now every cartoon looks like they can exist each others spin-offs. At that place's like no multifariousness anymore.

I will admit that I do like Gumball and Mao Mao but I just don't have the patience to watch these fifteen infinitesimal episode cartoons.

*Edit- I also like JLA, Craig of the creek and DC Super Hero Girls just I don't watch them regularly. CN pretty much sabotaged JLA. Have no idea how well DCSHG is doing.

Concluding edited:
This is gonna exist some other one of those times when anyone who doesn't like this animation trend gets lumped in with twitter trolls and virulent haters by an overly effusive fanbase, isn't it?
I watched it. Was pretty average, though there were elements that I enjoyed.

However it used quite a bit of Bernard Hoffer music and didn't credit him, and Leonard Starr(author of the original Exodus, head writer of the original Tcats) wasn't credited either, so I'yard pretty eh on it overall

It'southward bad.

Some funny jokes here and there just it'south by and large mindless with 0 budget and creativity and I have amend things to do than commit time to this.

Very baroque tact to accept a fairly small property that only survives in the public consciousness as nostalgia-bait for people in their 30s and not requite them a single thing to grab onto to want to lookout man information technology with their kids, let alone solo.
Well every bit Stage on mentions it does utilise a lot of the original music and has little nods here and in that location. Y'all'll become a few member berries while watching merely it'southward ultimately a different angle (comedy) going squarely for a kid audition.
On the 1 hand, the bulk of the jokes eddy down to how stupid the whole premise of Thundercats is & the characters make fun of how stupid everything is. Really, you pretty much need to take seen the original series to have any context of the jokes.

On the other paw, it wants to be a cartoony cartoon and exist light-hearted fun. But I noticed the Grade 3 kids that I've help (as an assistant teacher) became disinterested & got bored within the first five minutes. Most of them were begging me to swap back to either OK-KO! or TTG.

And so, this isn't really for the xxx-somethings who grew upwards with the 80'due south show. And information technology isn't targeted to kids who will be put off by the premise and become bored. Information technology feels like this evidence is being pulled in different directions without knowing what audience it wants to latch on.

Really, who's the audition for this?

I watched it. Was pretty average, though there were elements that I enjoyed.

However it used quite a scrap of Bernard Hoffer music and didn't credit him, and Leonard Starr(writer of the original Exodus, head writer of the original Tcats) wasn't credited either, so I'm pretty eh on it overall

Huh, I wonder why Starr & Hoffer we're not credited in this reboot, especially as similar you said, they've basically reused the soundtrack from the 1980's prove.
The original Thundercats struck an amazing residuum between mystery, take chances, danger, fifty-fifty horror. The atmosphere was very potent. It felt mature without existence gratuitous or edgy, and the characters felt well established.

Stand out VAs, first-class music, strong design and good blitheness, memorable heroes and villains, along with ane of the coolest themes ever fabricated.

This new evidence might be good, but information technology's and then far removed from what I loved about this prove I can't intendance.

imagine having these feelings over CATS X He-Man the drawing
I really don't similar how one-act dominates the drawing mural. I miss an activeness dominated cartoon scene.

Oh well, it'due south not for me.

Mumm-Ra was the best part, equally expected. Interested to run across how well this holds upward past the pilot.
It'southward just a adventure-time wannabe bastardization, bring dorsum proper Thundercats or but leave the franchise alone.
It would have been ok if it was funny, merely it's no Teen Titans Get.
It would take been ok if it was funny, but information technology'south no Teen Titans Go.
So you're proverb it's funny then?
There was a good revival years ago, but, equally one of the animators said, y'all don't see anyone asking for that back so this new i shouldn't be offensive to you. And I actually completely agree with that. I concord with well-nigh of the detractors online about it's poor derivative artstyle from grown upwardly Tumblr users, lack of bodily humour, and it's weird need to have knowledge of the og material. But if any of this actually mattered that would mean there would've been demand for more than of the 2011 series, but I've never seen any.

Considering of that it'southward hard to feel similar this is an actual slap to the confront like Teen Titans go was when there, there was actual demand for the source cloth only to get monkeys manus'd. If anything I'd well-nigh defend the new thundercats considering CN isn't actually putting whatever faith in it and randomly released it on the app. At least respect the piece of work you commissioned

Honestly, the original thundercats was absolute trash. I loved it as a child but he in one case I tried to watch it when I was older it was so cringe that fifty-fifty nostalgia didn't save information technology. They had a reboot a few years ago that was actually good but sadly they stopped it after the first season and never finished the story (and it was much more of a continuous story rather than only random stories like the first one). I'm totally not interested in this one not cause I care whether it "respects" the original cartoon, merely not interested. And sad when I learned this wasn't them deciding to continue the commencement reboot of thundercats.
Fan of the original equally a child, all due to that hype ass theme song, only realize in retrospect so much of the cartoons from that era were total donkey.

Saw this on a whim with my partner, nosotros both thought it was full ass in a different style.
Idk what to call it but information technology felt similar peekaboo humor where very often a characters large face pops into frame suddenly with a wacky expression and says something stupidly. There was a lot of that.
So it's wasnt funny and on top of that information technology was very ugly.

I love that Shinsei Kamattechan made the intro for this. They need more widespread attending.
I'll totally watch information technology, but who is it for? The number of Thundercats fans who are okay with a goofy take on the franchise in 2022 must exist vanishingly pocket-sized. Newcomers won't become the references, and old ones even so resent the cancellation of the awesome reboot from a few years ago and volition feel similar this is adding insult to injury.

Does Anyone Like the Animation in Thundercats Roar



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